Tuesday, September 21, 2004

How to handle multiple files in folder recursively.

4GuysFromRolla.com - Using the FileSystemObject for Web Site Maintenance: "Using the FileSystemObject for Web Site Maintenance, Part 2

In Part 1 of Using the FileSystemObject for Website Maintenance, we demonstrated how to use the FileSystemObject to loop through a given directory to search for files that were either too large (over 50 KB) or were MP3 files. The one drawback to our script was that it only searched one directory. What if we wanted to search ALL the directories on our web site? This can be done using recursion. If you are unfamiliar with what recursion is, I strongly suggest you check out the article: Recursion, Why it's Cool!
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Since there are an undetermined number of subdirectories in a given directory, and since each subdirectory may contain its own set of subdirectories, which in turn may contain their own set of subdirectories, and so on and so on, it is imperative that we use recursion. You can think of directory structure as a hierarchy. At the top of the hierarchy is the current directory. Each level down on the hierarchy is the subdirectories of the level above it. For example, your web site might contain the following structure:
| |
Images scripts

This is a rather simple structure, of course. Imagine, however, that you had a very complex directory structure that changed often. Recall in Part 1, the scenario we discussed was that of a site that allowed visitors to create their own web pages, like GeoCities. If we allowed our users to also create directories within their web, we could have a very complex and immense directory structure. Such a complex directory structure must be picked apart through recursion.
So, how do we use recursion to step through th"

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Trados Product Support - Article View
This is how to make TM import format txt file from either Excel or Word table.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Transitive Corporation: Public Relations: Transitive Releases QuickTransit Technology

They say it's not emulator